Sharpened Flat logo 2016
  •  SOLD  2012 Archtop Tribute AT130
    Terada-made Archtop
In Shibuya Tokyo, there is a landmark guitarshop named Walkin, which has been running the business since 1998. Their strategic location and exclusive dealership with guitar part makers led them to launch their original brand, Archtop Tribute, specializing in Hollow bodies as the brand name indicates. One of their flagship thinline hollow bodies, AT130 bases its prototype on Gibson ES330, known as non-center block and single coil pickups (AT130-MH is a variation, equipped with Mini Humbuckers.)

The guitar is strictly following the spces of (Gibson's) 1959 models, but the manufacturer claims they managed to improve sound balace of neck and rear pickup, which seemed to be the chronic issues of ES330 (or Epiphone Casino). How they did? They put thin cover on front pickup and slipped 2 types of spacer under the pickup. Result: height of front/rear pickups can be adjusted, thus output from both pickups can be balanced.

So you are interested in hearing how nice it sounds and how comfortable it is to play? Here's the rare chance you can become the new owner of this exceptionally well-crafted Japanese guitar.